Partner Teams
Partner Teams are FIRST teams that work with us in our mission. Partners represent us online and at competitions, distribute promotional material, and educate students. Partners operate on three tiers of involvement:
Bronze Tier Partners represent us and promote us online and includes key marketing points on their website or within their web presence.
Silver Tier Partners represent us at all competitions they attend, distribute promotional material, and promote us online. These teams are model communities of Neurodiversity.
Gold Tier Partners are nominated by the administrative team and approved by the staff team. Gold Tier Partners are teams that are prepared to grow with us and continue a lasting partnership.
Interested Teams can apply here after reviewing our Partner Team Code of Conduct here. Our guidelines for being an NDoF Partner Team of any tier is as follows:
Use our marketing materials and marketing points when advocating for NDoF
These materials have been specially designed based on the feedback of other partner teams and staff and are designed to make an inclusive experience for everyone. If you have any feedback on the marketing materials, please let an admin know.
Note: Please do not modify marketing materials without the explicit permission of the NDoF Admin Team
Help us out where you can.
We ask that partner teams represent us in some way, whether that be via social media, spoken-shoutout, a poster in your buildroom/shop, a logo on your robot, a banner in your pit, or any of the various ways there is to spread our name and mission. We do not require that a team represents us physically (at competitions or otherwise), but we do ask that you help us by representing us in some way.
Let us know how we can help you out.
The NDoF staff team are available to answer questions about the org, its processes, or its motives. We are willing to, within reason and on request, produce materials to help you achieve NDoF’s mission.
Current Partners
FTC 11770 - Curiosity - Gold
FRC 2977 - Sir Lancer Bots - Gold
FTC 16008 - Armored Artemises - Silver
FRC 111 and 112 - WildStang & Plus One - Silver
FRC 5123 - Mechadogs - Silver
FRC 6637 - BetaWolves - Silver
FLL 57674 - Bronze
FTC 3540 - Random Nuts - Bronze
FRC 245 - Adambots - Bronze
FRC 4039 - MakeShift Robotics - Bronze
FRC 4201- The Vitruvian Bots - Bronze
FRC 5171 - Deus Ex Machina - Bronze
FRC 5587 - Titan Robotics - Bronze
FRC 7466 - Cymurghs - Bronze
FRC 8177 - Vector - Bronze
FTC 3526 - Marlbots
FRC 7974 - Great Scott Robotics
FRC 2846 - Firebears
FLL 52128 - The Lightning Bots
FRC 3481 - Bronc Botz
FTC 21430 - Broombots